The George addresses UNICEF calls for attention on adolescents

Around 2.6 million young people die each year - mainly due to preventable causes such as road injury. However, a much greater number suffer from a range of health issues that impede their chance of vital growth and development. The impact of sick adolescents is in fact massive, as the next generation holds the key to addressing poverty, and harnessing social development.

In their annual State of the World’s Children Report, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) call for increased attention on the world’s youth. The report recognises that generally 10-19 year olds are much healthier than previous generations, but adolescents particularly in developing countries, continue to face tough health challenges and have a right to good health.

The opportunity for improved health lies in improved data collection and analysis. With better evidence, policymakers, governments and health agencies can better drive and monitor progress.

“Major gaps in data pose one of the biggest obstacles to promoting adolescent rights. There is simply insufficient data to adequately assess the circumstances of the world’s children”

State of the World’s Children Report, p11.

Developing countries such as India have the most to benefit from increased data about youth, as a significant proportion of their population comprise of adolescents. In partnership with the Centre for Chronic Disease Control, India, and other institutions, The George Institute India is planning the Million Indian Adolescents Study, the first study of its kind to collect comprehensive data on the health of India’s adolescents.

“We believe that this study can truly help India’s future, and provide answers about the health and wellbeing of her future generation. Such information will allow us to better understand the causes of death, illness and disability among teenagers”, said Dr Pallab Maulik, Head of Research and Development at The George Institute India and the Director of this initiative.

The Institute is looking for financial supporters to assist in the foundation of this landmark study. If you would like to support the establishment of the Million Indian Adolescents Study in India, please contact us.