Thought Leadership Activities

Our thought leadership activities work hand in hand with our advocacy efforts. Activities are designed to build impact, amplifying our research insights, challenging the status quo and fostering the kind of debates and discussions that lead to better treatments, better care and healthier societies.

We work with thought leaders from around the world including external Distinguished Fellows alongside George Institute researchers and our Emerging Thought Leaders, to drive conversations forward. Tools include podcasts, data visualisations, impact modelling, infographics, as well as blogs, commentaries, policy briefs and reports, videos and other activities.

We also regularly convene events such as regional webinars, GeorgeTalks and policy roundtables, collaborating with key stakeholders globally and locally. 

Use the search function to explore our activities.

Our activities

The ACTION (Asean CosTs In Oncology) study aimed to generate unprecedented data to help policymakers protect their people and economies from cancer’s catastrophic impact. Since 2015, ACTION has…
Case Studies
This post was originally published on BMJ Global and is reproduced here with permission. Bicycles are a healthy, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly mode of transport that India…
Profile story
Today, as we celebrate World Health Day and one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, we could not ignore the mental health field, it being essential for building a fairer, healthier world. This session…
The George Institute for Global Health is delighted to announce the launch of The Scan, a new podcast exploring the latest research, emerging evidence, and progress towards improving health outcomes…
The George Institute for Global Health's 'Coffee with Latin America' series aims to facilitate global collaboration and learning and provide an opportunity for outreach and connection with the global…
Event series
Join us on World Health Day 2021 to discuss ‘Mental health and building a fairer, healthier world' in the second session of The George Institute for Global Health's 'Coffee with Latin America' series…
  This report published by The George Institute, The wider benefits of SGLT2 inhibitors, shows that making SGLT2 inhibitors widely available in Australia would save lives and reduce costs to…
Policy and Practice Reports
For more than a decade, The George Institute has championed global action that has the potential to save many millions of lives and billions of dollars in healthcare costs. Our researchers have…
Case Studies
Our Emerging Thought Leaders are early-mid career researchers and operational subject matter experts, selected for their passion to improve health and their drive to expand the reach of their…
Landing Page
This post was originally published on LinkedIn by Parisa Glass, Director of Innovation and Enterprise, and Professor Vlado Perkovic and is reproduced here with her kind permission.  Healthcare…
Profile story