Advocacy and Thought Leadership

The George Institute is focused on effective advocacy and thought leadership to improve health, aligned to our research goals.

We are engaging with key stakeholders, sharing insights and fostering discussions to stimulate debate, guide critical health policy decisions and facilitate evidence-based change.

By working with some of the world’s leading health voices we are amplifying our work in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and injury and improving systems for prevention and treatment.

Our activities

The George Institute for Global Health India works closely with the University of Oxford to develop joint research projects that aim to improve bilateral exchange of knowledge and build capacity in…
Priority Area
Mental health is one of the biggest causes of disability and carries enormous economic burden in India. It is estimated that 1 in every 5 Indians is suffering from some form of mental…
Priority Area
India’s large population relies on the primary health care system to provide every-day health services. A key resource of the primary health care system are the non-physician healthcare workers. They…
Priority Area
The George Institute’s food policy team work in Australia and overseas to reduce death and disease caused by diets high in salt, harmful fats, added sugars and excess energy.  The team does…
Priority Area