- AustraliaChina
- New ZealandFiji
- United KingdomHongkong
- SwedenIndia
- FranceKuwait
- USASouth Africa
- MexicoKenya
- BrazilNigeria
- Chile
The FoodSwitch database holds detailed nutrition and attribute information on individual packaged food products. The data is used for research and advocacy to influence government policy and industry practice toward improved food environments. It is also used by the various apps to help consumers make healthier food choices by offering accessible and clear information about the nutritional content of packaged foods. The database is continually updated, reflecting changes in food formulations and the introduction of new products – it is estimated that there is around 25% - 30% of product churn every 12 months. The data is utilised in various tools and apps to guide users towards healthier eating patterns, supporting public health initiatives and research on dietary habits and nutrition.
These methods ensure that the FoodSwitch database remains a reliable and up-to-date resource for nutritional information on a wide range of food products.
The FoodSwitch database collects a wide array of detailed nutritional and product information, including:
This comprehensive data collection enables the FoodSwitch database to provide detailed insights to government, industry and consumers to help improve the food environment and promote healthier diets.
The database serves as a critical resource for these groups, helping to promote better nutrition and public health outcomes.
If you are interested in accessing FoodSwitch database, contact us at foodswitch@georgeinstitute.org.au.