Change in albuminuria as a surrogate endpoint for progression of kidney disease: a meta-analysis of treatment effects in randomised clinical trials
Poulter N
Makino H
Remuzzi G
Toto R
Coresh J
Heerspink H
Heerspink H
Dwyer J
Inker L
Levey A
Brenner B
De Z
Greene T
Wanner C
von E
Ihle B
van d
de J
Hou F
Parving H
Ito S
Lewis E
Blankestijn P
Gansevoort R
van Z
Perkovic V
Wetzels J
Floege J
Fervenza F
Katafuchi R
Li P
Tighiouart H
Simon A
Chan T
Lewis J
Lewis J
Locatelli F
Praga M
Schena F
Sevillano A
Kamper A
Maes B
Barret B
Leung C
Szeto C
Fitzner C
Pozzi C
Montagnino C
Xie D
Verde E
Gutierrez E
Imai E
Caravaca F
Kobayashi F
Moroni G
Becker G
Beck G
Appel G
Frisch G
van E
Maschio G
Montogrino G
Jehan I
Donadio J
Kusek J
Lachin J
Luño J
Abebe K
Chow K
Hunsicker L
del V
Carlo M
Goicoechea M
Chaturvedi N
Passerini P
Ruggenenti P
Zucchelli P
Kincaid-Smith P
Hilgers R
Estacio R
Rohde R
Schrier R
Rodby R
Perrone R
Klahr S
Andrulli S
Strandgaard S
Hannedouche T
Rauen T
Verdalles U
Keane W
Type of Publication
Journal Article
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology