Health Equity Network India (HENI) – the 20th Equilogue on Social participation for Universal Health Coverage
The 20th Equilogue of the Health Equity Network India (HENI) has brought together researchers and practitioners who – based on their involvement in research, advocacy, and action related to citizen engagement – will share perspectives, learnings, challenges, and the way forward for Social Participation for health (SPH) in their country contexts and deliberate on the role of SPH within the UHC discourse.
Read more
- Read the speaker biographies from the 20th HENI Equilogue
- Read the Witness Seminar reports published by The George Institute for Global Health, India
- Learn more about the SPHERE project and The George Institute’s key asks ahead of the UN HLM on UHC
- Participate in the online consultation to inform the Action Agenda from the UHC Movement
- Read and promote the World Health Organization Handbook on Social Participation for Universal Health Coverage