Abhinav Bassi's Publications
About Abhinav Bassi's Publications
Senior Research Fellow and Head of Project Operations -George Institute India- PhD, Faculty of Medicine
Nanoscale design of 1D metal oxides derived from mixed Ni-MH battery/transition metal dust
Journal of Hazardous Materials Date published: -
Dexamethasone 12 mg versus 6 mg for patients with COVID-19 and severe hypoxia: an international, randomized, blinded trial
Unknown Date published: -
Performance degradation and mitigation strategies of silver nanowire networks: a review
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences Date published: -
Polygenic risk scores predict diabetes complications and their response to intensive blood pressure and glucose control
Diabetologia Date published: -
Multi-morbidity and blood pressure trajectories in hypertensive patients: A multiple landmark cohort study
PLOS Medicine Date published: -
Quality of systematic reviews supporting the 2017 ACC/AHA and 2018 ESC/ESH guidelines for the management of hypertension
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine Date published: -
Microrecycled zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NP) recovered from spent Zn-C batteries for VOC detection using ZnO sensor
Analytica Chimica Acta Date published: -
Transparent and Flexible Mn 1- x - y (Ce x La y )O 2-δ Ultrathin-Film Device for Highly-Stable Pseudocapacitance Application
Advanced Functional Materials Date published: -
The impact of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on migraine disorder
Journal of Neurology Date published: -
Pharmacological blood pressure lowering for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease across different levels of blood pressure: an individual participant-level data meta-analysis
The Lancet Date published: -
An electronic decision support-based complex intervention to improve management of cardiovascular risk in primary health care: a cluster randomised trial (INTEGRATE)
Medical Journal of Australia Date published: -
Combination blood pressure lowering in the presence or absence of background statin and aspirin therapy: a combined analysis of PROGRESS and ADVANCE Trials
Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
Selective thermal transformation of value added cobalt from spent lithium-ion batteries
Journal of Cleaner Production Date published: -
Kidney International Reports Date published: -
Antihypertensive treatment and risk of cancer: an individual participant data meta-analysis
The Lancet Oncology Date published: -
The Potential Effectiveness of COVID-Related Smoking Cessation Messages in Three Countries
Nicotine and Tobacco Research Date published: