Anne Mills

About Anne Mills

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Professor Anne Mills is Deputy Director and Provost of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and Professor of Health Economics and Policy. She has degrees from Oxford University (MA), Leeds University (Diploma), and London University (PhD).

After two years as Overseas Development Institute Fellow and Economist in the Ministry of Health in Malawi, Professor Mills spent three years at the University of Leeds studying health planning in the NHS and moved to the LSHTM in 1979. She has researched and published widely in the fields of health economics and health systems in low- and middle-income countries and continues to be involved in research on financial protection in South Africa, Tanzania, India and Thailand. Professor Mills continues to be involved in supporting capacity development in health economics in universities, research institutes and governments.

She has been involved in numerous policy initiatives, including WHO's Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, and the 2009 High Level Taskforce on Innovative International Finance for Health Systems. Professor Mills has a CBE for services to medicine, is a Foreign Associate of the US Institute of Medicine, and a Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences. In 2009, she received the Prince Mahidol Award in the field of medicine. In 2013, she was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and in 2015 she was made a Dame in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours, for services to international health.