Anthony Delaney
About Associate Professor Anthony Delaney
Professorial Fellow, Critical Care
Anthony Delaney is an Intensive Care Specialist with a background in both Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care. He began his training in Emergency Medicine, obtaining his Fellowship with the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine in 2000. He was awarded the Peter Buchanan Prize for the best performance in the Fellowship examination. He completed his clinical training in Intensive Care in 2002 and was awarded the G.A. Don Harrison Prize for the best performance in the fellowship examination for the Faculty of Intensive Care, Australian New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, and was admitted to Fellowship of the Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine in 2002. He completed his PhD at the University of Sydney in 2014, with his thesis “The efficient measurement of resource utilisation in clinical trials in critical care”.
Associate Professor Delaney is a chief investigator on peer-reviewed grants that have successfully attracted over $6.5 million in funding, including the ARISE and ARISE-FLUIDS studies of resuscitation for patients with severe sepsis. He has published manuscripts in leading general medical journals The New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, and BMJ as well as international critical care journals Critical Care Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine and Critical Care. He is an Intensive Care Physician, with a role as a Senior Staff Specialist in the Malcolm Fisher Intensive Care Unit at the Royal North Shore Hospital. He lives in Sydney with his talented wife Clare, his beautiful daughters Grace Mary and Brigid Mary, and his handsome son Patrick Christopher.