Bruce Neal's Publications
About Bruce Neal's Publications
Executive Director, The George Institute for Global Health, Australia-
. Protection against cardiovascular and renal disease in type 2 diabetes:
ADVANCEs in the control of blood pressure using Preterax and Diamicron MR. Date published: -
Protection against cardiovascular and renal disease in type 2 diabetes:
ADVANCEs in the control of blood pressure using Preterax and Diamicron MR. Date published: -
Consumer awareness and self-reported behaviours related to salt consumption in Australia.
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition Date published: -
Are Australian Indians at Higher Cardiovascular Risk Compared with the Australian General Population?
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
A systematic survey of the sodium contents of processed foods
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Date published: -
Response to Letter by Kerr and Nasco
Stroke Date published: -
Action on salt and health: An evidence-based advocacy approach to make salt reduction a national priority in China
International Journal of Cardiology Date published: -
Rationale and design of the Rural Andhra Pradesh Cardiovascular Prevention Study (RAPCAPS): A factorial, cluster-randomized trial of 2 practical cardiovascular disease prevention strategies developed for rural Andhra Pradesh, India
American Heart Journal Date published: -
Methodological trends in studies based on verbal autopsies before and after published guidelines
Bulletin of the World Health Organization Date published: -
How many Australian deaths from heart disease and stroke could be avoided by a small reduction in population cholesterol levels?
Nutrition & Dietetics Date published: -
Blood Pressure Variables and Cardiovascular Risk
Hypertension Date published: -
Cognitive function and risks of cardiovascular disease and hypoglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes: the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) trial
Diabetologia Date published: -
Just add a pinch of salt!--current directions for the use of salt in recipes in Australian magazines
European Journal of Public Health Date published: -
Intensive glucose control and macrovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes
Diabetologia Date published: -
Combined Effects of Routine Blood Pressure Lowering and Intensive Glucose Control on Macrovascular and Microvascular Outcomes in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: New results from the ADVANCE trial
Diabetes Care Date published: -
Mixed models showed no need for initial response monitoring after starting antihypertensive therapy
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology Date published: