Bruce Neal's Publications
About Bruce Neal's Publications
Executive Director, The George Institute for Global Health, Australia-
Prevalence and determinants of overweight and obesity in Thai adults: results of the Second National Health Examination Survey.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand Date published: -
Effects of an Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitor-based Regimen on Pneumonia Risk
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Date published: -
A Comparison of Albumin and Saline for Fluid Resuscitation in the Intensive Care Unit
New England Journal of Medicine Date published: -
Preventing chronic ectopic bone-related pain and disability after hip replacement surgery with perioperative ibuprofen. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (HIPAID)
Controlled Clinical Trials Date published: -
Association of Mean Platelet Volume With Risk of Stroke Among 3134 Individuals With History of Cerebrovascular Disease
Stroke Date published: -
Effects of Perindopril-Based Blood Pressure Lowering and of Patient Characteristics on the Progression of Silent Brain Infarct: the Perindopril Protection against Recurrent Stroke Study (PROGRESS) CT Substudy in Japan
Hypertension Research Date published: -
Perindopril-based blood pressure lowering in individuals with cerebrovascular disease
Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
Effects of a Perindopril-Based Blood Pressure-Lowering Regimen on the Risk of Recurrent Stroke According to Stroke Subtype and Medical History
Stroke Date published: -
Fixed Dose Combinations for the Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Research Agenda for the European Union.
Date published: -
Amino-terminal pro-brain-type natriuretic peptide and C-reactive protein predict development of heart failure in subjects with cerebrovascular disease
Date published: -
Effects of perindopril-based blood pressure lowering on the risks of recurrent stroke in patients with and without diabetes: The PROGRESS Trial
Date published: -
Reductions in the risks of recurrent stroke in patients with and without diabetes: The PROGRESS Trial
Blood Pressure Date published: -
International collaborative study of cardiovascular disease in Asia: design, rationale, and preliminary results.
Ethnicity and Disease Date published: -
The Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration Analyses
Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine: Date published: -
Effects of different blood-pressure-lowering regimens on major cardiac events
The Lancet Date published: -
Effects of different blood-pressure-lowering regimens on major cardiac events
The Lancet Date published: