Candice Delcourt's Publications
About Candice Delcourt's Publications
Senior Research Fellow- Program Head, Neurology
Subacute Neurological Improvement Predicts Favorable Functional Recovery After Intracerebral Hemorrhage: INTERACT2 Study
Stroke Date published: -
Statistical Analysis Plan for the Optimal Post rTpa-Iv Monitoring in Ischemic Stroke Trial (OPTIMIST)
Unknown Date published: -
Patterns and Clinical Implications of Hemorrhagic Transformation After Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Neurology Date published: -
Twenty-Four-Hour Post-Thrombolysis NIHSS Score As the Strongest Prognostic Predictor After Acute Ischemic Stroke: ENCHANTED Study
Journal of the American Heart Association Date published: -
Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024: Transcending Borders
Cerebrovascular Diseases Date published: -
Rollout of a statewide Australian telestroke network including virtual reality training is associated with improved hyperacute stroke workflow metrics and thrombolysis rate
Frontiers in Stroke Date published: -
Predictors of early versus delayed neurological deterioration after thrombolysis for ischemic stroke: ENCHANTED study
Cerebrovascular Diseases Date published: -
Effect of level of sedation on outcomes in critically ill adult patients: a systematic review of clinical trials with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis
eClinicalMedicine Date published: -
Covert Cerebrovascular Changes in People With Heart Disease
Neurology Date published: -
Implementation of low-intensity thrombolysis monitoring care in routine practice: process evaluation of the Optimal Post rtPA-IV Monitoring in Acute Ischemic Stroke (OPTIMISTmain) study in the United States
Cerebrovascular Diseases Date published: -
Influence of Time to Achieve Target Systolic Blood Pressure on Outcome After Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The Blood Pressure in Acute Stroke Collaboration
Stroke Date published: -
Optimum Baseline Clinical Severity Scale Cut Points for Prognosticating Intracerebral Hemorrhage: INTERACT Studies
Stroke Date published: -
The main Optimal Post rTpa-Iv Monitoring in Ischemic Stroke Trial (OPTIMISTmain): protocol for a pragmatic, stepped wedge, cluster randomized controlled trial
Cerebrovascular Diseases Date published: -
The effect of blood pressure lowering medications on the prevention of episodic migraine: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Cephalalgia Date published: -
Baseline brain imaging signs in patients with ischaemic stroke by the presence of atrial fibrillation: the ENCHANTED trial
Journal of Neurology Date published: -
Effects of intensive blood pressure lowering on cerebral ischaemia in thrombolysed patients: insights from the ENCHANTED trial
eClinicalMedicine Date published: