Craig Anderson

About Professor Craig Anderson

Director, Brain Health Program, The George Institute

  • Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney

Professor Craig Anderson is Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney, and is in part-time clinical practice as a neurologist at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia.  

Craig holds specialist qualifications in clinical neurology and geriatrics, a PhD in medicine and epidemiology from The University of Western Australia, and is a Senior Investigator Fellow of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia.  He is a past President of the Asia Pacific Stroke Organisation and the Stroke Society of Australasia, and is a member of several specialist societies and an editor for the Cochrane Stroke Group.  He has published widely on the clinical and epidemiological aspects of stroke, cardiovascular disease and aged care, and has led several large-scale investigator-initiated epidemiological and clinical trials that have had a major influence on clinical practice guidelines for stroke treatment and prevention.

Risk and impact of stroke across 38 countries and territories of the Americas from 1990 to 2021: a population-based trends analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

The Lancet Regional Health - Americas Date published:

Healthy lifestyle factors and combined macrovascular and microvascular events in diabetes patients with high cardiovascular risk: results from ADVANCE

BMC Medicine Date published:

Subacute Neurological Improvement Predicts Favorable Functional Recovery After Intracerebral Hemorrhage: INTERACT2 Study

Stroke Date published:

Impact of Frailty on Antihypertensive Treatment in Older Adults

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