Dr Edward Mullins

About Dr Edward Mullins

Senior Clinical Lecturer

Dr Edward Mullins is a Senior Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College, London and the George Institute for Global Health and Honorary Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, London. He is also an NIHR ARC NWL Improvement Leader Fellow in the 2023 cohort.

His PhD at Imperial College investigated the fetal and maternal inflammatory response in Fetal Growth Restriction. Following this, Ed won a fellowship with Professor Dame Sally Davies, England CMO, as editor-in-chief of the CMO’s annual report, ‘Women: the health of the 51%.’ As an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer, Ed has investigated self-monitoring of maternal cardiovascular health and prevention of Gestational Diabetes.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ed was seconded as clinical adviser to Professor Chris Whitty, England CMO, and produced rapid reviews on coronavirus infection in pregnancy and in children, which he presented to SAGE and formed the basis of clinical guidelines for the UK.

He is co-CI for PAN-COVID, an NIHR-funded global registry of women affected by suspected COVID-19 or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy and their neonates. Ed is also co-CI for COM-SARS-2 study, an historical seroprevalence study in 11,000 maternal serum samples to evaluate the introduction and onset of community transmission of SARs-CoV-2 in NW London.

Ed has led a new clinical service to introduce post-birth contraception for all women in NW London, to allow women to access reliable family planning before discharge from their maternity service. He hopes to evaluate this and support national roll-out.

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