John Chalmers AC's Publications
About John Chalmers AC's Publications
Senior Director, Professorial Unit, The George Institute (Australia)- Professor of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- Emeritus Professor of Medicine at Flinders University and at the University of Sydney
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Reduced blood pressure after smooth muscle EFNB2 deletion and the potential association of EFNB2 mutation with human hypertension risk
European Journal of Human Genetics Date published: -
Circadian variation in clinical features and outcome of intracerebral hemorrhage: The INTERACT studies
Chronobiology International Date published: -
Is poor oral health a risk marker for incident cardiovascular disease hospitalisation and all-cause mortality? Findings from 172 630 participants from the prospective 45 and Up Study
BMJ Open Date published: -
Smartphone Apps to Improve Medication Adherence
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Strategies to meet the need for long-term data
Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
Microvascular and Macrovascular Disease and Risk for Major Peripheral Arterial Disease in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care Date published: -
Chronic kidney disease and the risk of cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis of 32,057 participants from six prospective studies
BMC Cancer Date published: -
Estimated GFR and the Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering After Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
American Journal of Kidney Diseases Date published: -
Prognostic Significance of Hyponatremia in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Critical Care Medicine Date published: -
Low-Dose versus Standard-Dose Intravenous Alteplase in Acute Ischemic Stroke
New England Journal of Medicine Date published: -
Dietary salt intake and discretionary salt use in an Australian population sample: 2011 and 2014
Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism Date published: -
PM082 Interventions to Improve Medication Adherence in Coronary Disease Patients: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials
Global Heart Date published: -
Admission Heart Rate Predicts Poor Outcomes in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke Date published: -
Degree and Timing of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering on Hematoma Growth in Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke Date published: -
Early blood pressure lowering in patients with intracerebral haemorrhage and prior use of antithrombotic agents: pooled analysis of the INTERACT studies
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry Date published: -
Effects of a community-based salt reduction program in a regional Australian population
BMC Public Health Date published: