Julie Redfern

About Associate Professor Julie Redfern

Honorary Professorial Fellow

Julie Redfern is Deputy Director, Cardiovascular Division at The George Institute for Global Health, an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sydney and a practising Physiotherapist.  

Julie is an advocate for effective secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease and her research interest is focused on improving clinical practice and reduction of risk factors ultimately in people with a range of chronic diseases.  A/Professor Redfern holds a NHMRC Career Development and Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellowship. She was recently selected on the World Heart Federation Emerging Leader Program and concluded a 6 year term on the CSANZ Board and as Chair of the Allied Health Council.

She is currently the Co-Chair of the Clinical and Preventative Cardiology Council of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, Co-Chair of the National Secondary Prevention Alliance and part of the team that won the 2016 Australian Google Impact Challenge. Julie’s research aims to improve access to and engagement with secondary prevention strategies with a focus on technology.


Heart2Heart: a digital peer support programme for people with heart disease: protocol for a community-based, investigator-blinded randomised controlled trial conducted in Australia

BMJ Open Date published:

Implementation of a data-driven quality improvement program in primary care for patients with coronary heart disease: a mixed methods evaluation of acceptability, satisfaction, barriers and enablers

Australian Journal of Primary Health Date published:

Engaging Culturally Diverse Groups in Basic Life Support (BLS): Learning from FirstCPR - A Community Organisation-Based Intervention to Increase Training and Willingness to Respond to Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA)

Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published:

Recruitment of adolescents to virtual clinical trials: experiences from the Health4Me clinical trial (Preprint)

JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting Date published:

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