Mark Woodward's Publications
About Mark Woodward's Publications
Senior Professorial Fellow, Professorial Unit- Chair of Statistics, Epidemiology and Women’s Health at Imperial College London
- Professor of Medical Statistics, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- PhD ,
- FMedSci,
Mixture analysis of associations between environmental and workplace toxins and liver damage and telomere length, stratified by race/ethnicity
Journal of Environmental Sciences Date published: -
Heavy metals are liver fibrosis risk factors in people without traditional liver disease etiologies
Journal of Environmental Sciences Date published: -
Socioeconomic disparities and risk of recurrent cardiovascular events and cardiovascular disease-free life expectancy in patients with established cardiovascular disease
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Date published: -
Healthy lifestyle factors and combined macrovascular and microvascular events in diabetes patients with high cardiovascular risk: results from ADVANCE
BMC Medicine Date published: -
Subacute Neurological Improvement Predicts Favorable Functional Recovery After Intracerebral Hemorrhage: INTERACT2 Study
Stroke Date published: -
Prevalence and Treatment Patterns of Anaemia in Individuals With Chronic Kidney Disease Across Asia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Nephrology Date published: -
Updating the Scottish national cardiovascular risk score: ASSIGN version 2.0
Heart Date published: -
Implementation of a data-driven quality improvement program in primary care for patients with coronary heart disease: a mixed methods evaluation of acceptability, satisfaction, barriers and enablers
Australian Journal of Primary Health Date published: -
Impact of Frailty on Antihypertensive Treatment in Older Adults
Hypertension Date published: -
Effect of randomised blood pressure lowering treatment and intensive glucose control on dementia and cognitive decline according to baseline cognitive function and other subpopulations of individuals with type 2 diabetes: Results from the ADVANCE trial
Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior Date published: -
Modelling the health, financial protection and equity impacts of upscaling the ACT NOW early intervention breast cancer pilot program in the Philippines: an extended cost-effectiveness analysis
BMJ Global Health Date published: -
Sex and Cardiac Operations: Are We Being Fair to Our Female Patients?
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Sex differences in frailty and the impact of frailty on blood pressure control in older adults with hypertension: a multi-center observational study in Vietnam
Unknown Date published: -
Risk treatment thresholds for initiating cardiovascular disease pharmacotherapy: Synthesis of international evidence to support guideline recommendations
Australian Journal of General Practice Date published: -
Intensive Glucose Lowering and Its Effects on Vascular Events and Death According to Age at Diagnosis and Duration of Diabetes: The ADVANCE Trial
Diabetes Care Date published: -
Understanding cardiovascular risk scores in the international context
European Heart Journal Date published: