Mark Woodward's Publications
About Mark Woodward's Publications
Senior Professorial Fellow, Professorial Unit- Chair of Statistics, Epidemiology and Women’s Health at Imperial College London
- Professor of Medical Statistics, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- PhD ,
- FMedSci,
Long-term outcome of JJ stent insertion for primary obstructive megaureter in children
Journal of Pediatric Urology Date published: -
Change in albuminuria and subsequent risk of end-stage kidney disease: an individual participant-level consortium meta-analysis of observational studies
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Date published: -
Relationship of Estimated GFR and Albuminuria to Concurrent Laboratory Abnormalities: An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis in a Global Consortium
American Journal of Kidney Diseases Date published: -
United Kingdom Continence Society: Minimum standards for urodynamic studies, 2018
Neurourology and Urodynamics Date published: -
Adiposity and risk of decline in glomerular filtration rate: meta-analysis of individual participant data in a global consortium
BMJ Date published: -
Prediction of individual life-years gained without cardiovascular events from lipid, blood pressure, glucose, and aspirin treatment based on data of more than 500 000 patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus
European Heart Journal Date published: -
An exploration of factors mediating the effects of canagliflozin on heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes
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Impact of dose and duration of dietary salt reduction on blood pressure levels: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials
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Assessing the patient's perspective in end-stage kidney disease-baseline results from the CONVINCE trial
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Complexities of diagnosis in 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency and implementation of next generation sequencing in guiding management decisions - Case series of six patients
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Sex Disparities in the Management of Coronary Heart Disease in Primary Care in Australia
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Acute Increases in Serum Creatinine After Starting Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor-Based Therapy and Effects of its Continuation on Major Clinical Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Hypertension Date published: -
Effects of blood pressure lowering on cardiovascular events, in the context of regression to the mean
Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
Validation of the Bluebelle Wound Healing Questionnaire for assessment of surgical-site infection in closed primary wounds after hospital discharge
British Journal of Surgery Date published: -
Socioeconomic Equity in the Receipt of In-Hospital Care and Outcomes in Australian Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: The CONCORDANCE Registry
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: