Meg Jardine
About Associate Professor Meg Jardine
Honorary Professorial Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
A/Professor Meg Jardine is a Honorary Professorial Fellow at The George Institute for Global Health.
Her research interests centre on preventing the progression and complications of kidney disease and diabetes. She has a particular interest in using innovative trial designs to better generate evidence to improve outcomes. Dr Jardine leads the RESOLVE and BEAT-Calci trials and was the Global Scientific Lead of the CREDENCE study and CI of the ACTIVE and FINESSE trials. Her advocacy for kidney disease is pursued through memberships of the Board of the Kidney Health Initiative (KHI), the Executive Committee of the international KDIGO guidelines group and the International Society of Nephrology Advancing Clinical Trials (ISN-ACTS) core committee.
Meg Jardine is a practising physician and nephrologist at Concord Repatriation General Hospital