Paula Venturelli

About Dr Paula Venturelli

PhD Student

  • MD

Paula is a PhD student at The George Institute and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sydney. She is visiting from Chile where she worked as a Stroke Neurologist in Clinica Alemana de Santiago - Universidad del Desarrollo, as well as a research coordinator.

The main Optimal Post rTpa-Iv Monitoring in Ischemic Stroke Trial (OPTIMISTmain): protocol for a pragmatic, stepped wedge, cluster randomized controlled trial

Cerebrovascular Diseases Date published:

Disparities in Stroke Incidence Over Time by Sex and Age in Latin America and the Caribbean Region 1997 to 2021: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Journal of the American Heart Association Date published:

The third Intensive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3): an international, stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial

The Lancet Date published:

Effects of intensive blood pressure lowering on cerebral ischaemia in thrombolysed patients: insights from the ENCHANTED trial

eClinicalMedicine Date published: