Polly Huang
About Dr Polly Huang
Senior Data Analyst
Dr. Polly Huang holds a Master by Research Degree and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Sydney. She is currently working as a Senior Data Analyst at the Food Policy Division of the George Institute for Global Health
In the last few years, much of Dr. Huang work has been the development of novel, practical, scalable and low-cost strategies for achieving population dietary sodium reduction. With extended collaboration and involvement in research projects, Dr. Huang’s research is now gradually expanding to reduce cardiovascular risk through improving overall diet quality. At <2 years post PhD, Dr. Huang has 32 high-quality peer-review journal publications, including a few published in the world’s top journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, British Medical Journal and Circulation.
Dr. Huang possesses a wholesome set of research skills, including research design, project implementation, funding application and manuscript writing. Her particular strengths include data quality monitoring, complex statistical analyses as well as streamlining and automating research conduct.