Prasanthi Attwood's Publications
About Prasanthi Attwood's Publications
Research Fellow-
Parents’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Risks Associated with Children’s Walks to School in Blantyre, Malawi
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Date published: -
327 Enhancing public health research in LMICs: an innovative course integrating CBPR and HCD for child injury prevention
Stream 3: Programme or Practice Date published: -
A scoping review of road traffic data systems in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal Date published: -
Voices from the Ground: Community Perspectives on Preventing Unintentional Child Injuries in Low-Income Settings
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Date published: -
313 Understanding home injuries: Results from a Ugandan household survey and risk assessment
Abstracts Date published: -
150 Preventing unintentional childhood injuries in Uganda: engaging the community in systems-wide solutions
Abstracts Date published: -
The Step Safely guidelines: a catalyst to address the burden of falls in children and adolescents
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health Date published: -
The epidemiology and characteristics of injuries to under 5’s in a secondary city in Uganda: a retrospective review of hospital data
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion Date published: -
How the Covid-19 pandemic has drawn attention to the issue of active mobility and co-benefits in Latin American cities
Salud Pública de México Date published: -
0037 Preventing unintentional childhood injuries in Uganda - development of an intervention toolkit
Abstracts Date published: -
6A.004 Sharing tools to ensure a safe and healthy journey to school
Abstracts Date published: -
1A.003 Affordability and availability of child restraints in under-served populations in South Africa
Abstracts Date published: -
1D.001 Was the Decade of Action for Road Safety a success?
Abstracts Date published: -
5B.004 Preventing childhood injuries in Uganda - development of a child safety kit
Abstracts Date published: -
Affordability and Availability of Child Restraints in an Under-Served Population in South Africa
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Date published: -
The need for stronger child restraint laws
South African Medical Journal Date published: