Robyn Norton AO's Publications

About Robyn Norton AO's Publications

Founding Director, The George Institute for Global Health
  • Professor of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
  • Chair of Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London
  • The health workforce conundrum for burn care in Uttar Pradesh, India: a qualitative exploration

    Global Public Health Date published:
  • Why does a public health issue (not) get priority? Agenda-setting for the national burns program in India

    Health Policy and Planning Date published:
  • Women’s health needs beyond sexual, reproductive, and maternal health are missing from the government’s 2024 priorities

    BMJ Date published:
  • Using formative research to inform a mental health intervention for adolescents living in Indian slums: the ARTEMIS study

    Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health Date published:
  • A life-course approach to tackling noncommunicable diseases in women

    Nature Medicine Date published:
  • Theory of Change for addressing sex and gender bias, invisibility and exclusion in health and medical research, policy, and practice

    Unknown Date published:
  • UK medical research funders must do more to support sex and gender equity

    BMJ Date published:
  • Structural capacity and continuum of snakebite care in the primary health care system in India: a cross-sectional assessment

    BMC Primary Care Date published:
  • A community-based intervention to improve screening, referral and follow-up of non-communicable diseases and anaemia amongst pregnant and postpartum women in rural India: study protocol for a cluster randomised trial

    Trials Date published:
  • Health systems research in burn care: an evidence gap map

    Injury Prevention Date published:
  • How and why snakebite became a global health priority: a policy analysis

    BMJ Global Health Date published:
  • A community-based intervention to improve screening, referral, and follow-up of non-communicable diseases and anaemia amongst pregnant and postpartum women in rural India: study protocol for a cluster randomised trial

    Unknown Date published:
  • Burden of non-communicable diseases and behavioural risk factors in Mexico: Trends and gender observational analysis

    Journal of Global Health Date published:
  • A Gender-Based and Quasi-Experimental Study of the Catastrophic and Impoverishing Health-Care Expenditures in Mexican Households with Elderly Members, 2000-2020

    Health Systems & Reform Date published:
  • Sex and gender reporting in Australian health and medical research publications

    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health Date published:
  • SMARThealth Pregnancy: Pilot cluster randomized controlled trial of a mobile clinical decision support system for high-risk pregnant women in rural India. (Preprint)

    JMIR Formative Research Date published: