Simon Finfer AO's Publications
About Simon Finfer AO's Publications
Professorial Fellow AO- MBBS,
- DrMed
Corticosteroids in Septic Shock
New England Journal of Medicine Date published: -
Design and Challenges of the Randomized Evaluation of Normal versus Augmented Level Replacement Therapy (RENAL) Trial: High-Dose versus Standard-Dose Hemofiltration in Acute Renal Failure
Blood Purification Date published: -
Bench-to-bedside review: The evaluation of complex interventions in critical care
Critical Care Date published: -
Pro/con debate: Is intensive insulin therapy targeting tight blood glucose control of benefit in critically ill patients?
Critical Care Date published: -
The authors reply [7]
New England Journal of Medicine Date published: -
Saline or albumin for fluid resuscitation in traumatic brain injury - Reply
New England Journal of Medicine Date published: -
Saline or Albumin for Fluid Resuscitation in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury
New England Journal of Medicine Date published: -
Advancing intensive care research in Australia and New Zealand: development of the binational ANZIC Research Centre.
Critical Care and Resuscitation Date published: -
The effectiveness of implementation of the medical emergency team (MET) system and factors associated with use during the MERIT study.
Critical Care and Resuscitation Date published: -
The objective medical emergency team activation criteria: A case-control study
Resuscitation Date published: -
Critical Illness Neuromyopathy
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Date published: -
Albumin supplementation and organ function
Critical Care Medicine Date published: -
The outcome of patients with sepsis and septic shock presenting to emergency departments in Australia and New Zealand
Critical Care and Resuscitation Date published: -
Advancing intensive care research in Australia and New Zealand: development of the binational ANZIC Research Centre
Critical Care and Resuscitation Date published: -
The effectiveness of implementation of the medical emergency team (MET) system and factors associated with use during the MERIT study
Critical Care and Resuscitation Date published: -
The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group
ICU Management Date published: