Simone Pettigrew's Publications
About Simone Pettigrew's Publications
Program Head, Food Policy- PhD (Consumer Research)
Objective understanding of the front-of-pack nutrition label Nutri-Score by European consumers
European Journal of Public Health Date published: -
Aspects of the volunteering experience associated with well-being in older adults
Health Promotion Journal of Australia Date published: -
Predictors of uptake of general and tailored services to improve employee health and wellbeing
Health Promotion Journal of Australia Date published: -
Public support for alcohol control initiatives across seven countries
International Journal of Drug Policy Date published: -
Effectiveness of Different Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels among Italian Consumers: Results from an Online Randomized Controlled Trial
Nutrients Date published: -
Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics of the Salt Substitute in India Study (SSiIS): The protocol for a double-blinded, randomized-controlled trial
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Date published: -
Alcohol advertisement characteristics that increase the likelihood of code breaches
International Journal of Drug Policy Date published: -
Modifiable Protective and Risk Factors for Depressive Symptoms among Older Community-dwelling Adults: A Systematic Review
Journal of Affective Disorders Date published: -
Bulgarian consumers’ objective understanding of front-of-package nutrition labels: a comparative, randomized study
Archives of Public Health Date published: -
Nothing beats taste or convenience: a national survey of where and why people buy sugary drinks in Australia
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health Date published: -
Body Image and Eating Disturbances in Children: The Role of Self-Objectification
Psychology of Women Quarterly Date published: -
Retirement and Physical Activity: The Opportunity of a Lifetime or the Beginning of the End?
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity Date published: -
Assessing the Healthy Food Partnership’s Proposed Nutrient Reformulation Targets for Foods and Beverages in Australia
Nutrients Date published: -
Get Them Laughing to Get Them Drinking: An Analysis of Alcohol Advertising Themes Across Multiple Media in Australia
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Date published: -
Implementation Outcomes Following Participation in a Large-Scale Healthy Workplace Program Conducted Across Multiple Worksites
American Journal of Health Promotion Date published: -
Consumers’ food choices, understanding and perceptions in response to different front-of-pack nutrition labelling systems in Belgium: results from an online experimental study
Archives of Public Health Date published: