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About Simone Pettigrew's Publications
Program Head, Food Policy -
Are we reaching the “hard to reach
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Aspects of competition between informal and formal volunteering among older people
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Attracting disadvantaged adults into nutrition education programs
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Can mass media campaigns promoting NHMRC’s low-risk drinking guidelines change drinkers’ estimates of harmful drinking levels? An experimental study
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Communicating the concept of “unhealthy food” to the general public
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Community Survey Results
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Community attitudes towards potential policies to encourage smoking cessation
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Comparison of adults’ and teenagers’ responses to the Make Smoking History ‘From Every Quitter’ advertising campaign
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Demographics correlates of parental consumption of sugary drinks in a National Australian study
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Developing regulations for pesticide usage on marijuana crops in Colorado
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Did the campaign work?’ What is a benchmark for a cancer prevention social marketing campaign in the fragmented media age?
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Engagement in SunSmart behaviours among parents and children
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Evaluation of the Make Smoking History ‘From Every Quitter’ Campaign: Wave 44
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Evidence on the nature and extent of alcohol promotion and the consequences for young people’s alcohol consumption
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Expert statement on alcohol retailing
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Factors influencing children’s consumption of unhealthy foods
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