Simone Pettigrew's Publications
About Simone Pettigrew's Publications
Program Head, Food Policy- PhD (Consumer Research)
The experience of risk in families: conceptualisations and implications for transformative consumer research
Journal of Marketing Management Date published: -
A conceptual classification of parents’ attributions of the role of food advertising in children’s diets
BMC Obesity Date published: -
Developing cancer warning statements for alcoholic beverages
BMC Public Health Date published: -
Treats: low socioeconomic status Australian parents’ provision of extra foods for their overweight or obese children
Health Promotion Journal of Australia Date published: -
Process evaluation outcomes from a global child obesity prevention intervention
BMC Public Health Date published: -
Insights and recommendations for recruitment and retention of low socio-economic parents with overweight children
International Journal of Social Research Methodology Date published: -
Self-objectification, body image disturbance, and eating disorder symptoms in young Australian children
Body Image Date published: -
(Ir)responsible drinking campaigns
Medical Journal of Australia Date published: -
Aging & Mental Health Date published: -
A cost-effectiveness analysis of online, radio and print tobacco control advertisements targeting 25-39 year-old males
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health Date published: -
Older people's perceived causes of and strategies for dealing with social isolation
Aging & Mental Health Date published: -
A psychometric examination of a modified eight-item version of the Children’s Eating Disorder Examination.
Psychological Assessment Date published: -
Parent and child interactions with two contrasting anti-obesity advertising campaigns: a qualitative analysis
BMC Public Health Date published: -
The use of food labelling by disadvantaged parents of overweight children
Obesity Research & Clinical Practice Date published: -
Conceptualizing a transformative research agenda
Journal of Business Research Date published: -
The advertised diet: an examination of the extent and nature of food advertising on Australian television
Health Promotion Journal of Australia Date published: