Stephen MacMahon AO's Publications
About Stephen MacMahon AO's Publications
Founding Director, The George Institute for Global Health- Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- Chair of Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College of London
Collaborative overview (‘Meta-Analysis’) of Prospective Observational Studies of the Associations of Usual Blood Pressure and Usual Cholesterol Levels with Common Causes of Death: Protocol for the Second Cycle of the Prospective Studies Collaboration
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation Date published: -
The world health organization-International society of hypertension blood pressure lowering treatment trialists’ collaboration: Prospective collaborative overviews of major randomized trials of blood pressure-lowering treatments
Current Hypertension Reports Date published: -
Blood pressure, cholesterol, and common causes of death: a review
American Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
Left ventricular mass correlates with fat-free mass but not fat mass in adults
Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
Neurohumoral Prediction of Benefit From Carvedilol in Ischemic Left Ventricular Dysfunction
Circulation Date published: -
7th WHO-ISH Meeting on Hypertension, Fukuoka, Japan, 29 September to October, 1998: 1999 World Health Organization - International Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension
Date published: -
An Overview of 37 Randomised Trials of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents Among 270,000 Individuals
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension Date published: -
The Associations of Diastolic Blood Pressure with the Risk of Stroke in Western and Eastern Populations
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension Date published: -
Blood Pressure and the Global Burden of Cardiovascular Disease
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension Date published: -
Determinants of cardiovascular disease in the Asian Pacific Region: Protocol for a collaborative overview of cohort studies
CVD Prevention Date published: -
1999 World Health Organization-International Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension endorsed by the Lebanese Hypertension League
Journal Medical Libanais Date published: -
Collaborative overview ('meta-analysis') of prospective observational studies of the associations of usual blood pressure and usual cholesterol levels with common causes of death: Protocol for the second cycle of the Prospective Studies Collaboration
Journal of Cardiovascular Risk Date published: -
1999 World Health Organization International Society of Hypertension guidelines for the management of hypertension
Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
PROGRESS - Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study: Characteristics of the study population at baseline
Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
Mortality after hip fracture: Regional variations in New Zealand
New Zealand Medical Journal Date published: -
Efficacy and safety of carvedilol in patients with chronic heart failure receiving concomitant amiodarone therapy
Journal of Cardiac Failure Date published: