Sue Haupt

About Dr Sue Haupt

Senior Research Fellow, Women’s Health Program

  • Research Associate, Women’s Health Program, UNSW
  • Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology at UoM
  • BSc (Hons) ,
  • PhD

Dr Sue Haupt is a Research Associate at The George Institute for Global Health, the Women’s Health Program, and is also an Honorary Senior Research in the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology at UoM. She focuses on sex disparities in medical research and health and has a track record of commitment to humanitarian research projects for health equity around the globe. She is internationally recognised for original, ground-breaking, research discoveries of sex differences in cancer (93 articles). She is an advocate for sex and gender policies in medical research and care on ABC Health Report (20192021), which aligns directly with her contribution to the Launch of the Australian Centre for Sex and Gender Equity in Health and Medicine in March 2024 at UNSW. She is an invited speaker on sex disparities at international medical conferences and across a breadth of diverse, national public forums. A medical science writer of original research (e.g. NatComms), reviews, commentaries and perspectives (e.g. NatMed, including features on sex disparities in health (e.g. NatRevCancer). She is committed to educating the next generation of research scientists and has extensive experience as a: graduate student supervisor (8 PhD, 1 ongoing, 2 MA students and 6 Honours students, all H1 graduates); mentor; chair and member of university student committees. 

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