Tamara Mackean's Publications
About Tamara Mackean's Publications
Senior Research Fellow-
PW 1756 Outcomes following injury in young people
Abstracts Date published: -
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Based on Atraumatic Restorative Treatment to Manage Early Childhood Caries in Rural and Remote Aboriginal Communities: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
JMIR Research Protocols Date published: -
Factors that impact access to ongoing health care for First Nation children with a chronic condition
BMC Health Services Research Date published: -
Burn injury models of care: A review of quality and cultural safety for care of Indigenous children
Burns Date published: -
How institutional forces, ideas and actors shaped population health planning in Australian regional primary health care organisations
BMC Public Health Date published: -
A framework for regional primary health care to organise actions to address health inequities
International Journal of Public Health Date published: -
The Ironbark program: Implementation and impact of a community-based fall prevention pilot program for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Health Promotion Journal of Australia Date published: -
Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Measure Attitude change in Health Professionals after Completion of an Aboriginal Health and Cultural Safety Training Programme
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education Date published: -
What Enables and Constrains the Inclusion of the Social Determinants of Health Inequities in Government Policy Agendas? A Narrative Review
International Journal of Health Policy and Management Date published: -
Use of telehealth for health care of Indigenous peoples with chronic conditions: a systematic review
Rural and Remote Health Date published: -
Lessons from Medicare Locals for Primary Health Networks
Medical Journal of Australia Date published: -
Commissioning and equity in primary care in Australia: Views from Primary Health Networks
Health & Social Care in the Community Date published: -
Coproducing Aboriginal patient journey mapping tools for improved quality and coordination of care
Australian Journal of Primary Health Date published: -
Working at the interface in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health: focussing on the individual health professional and their organisation as a means to address health equity
International Journal for Equity in Health Date published: -
‘Yarning up with Koori kids’ - hearing the voices of Australian urban Indigenous children about their health and well-being
Ethnicity & Health Date published: -
Understanding burn injuries in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children: protocol for a prospective cohort study: Table 1
BMJ Open Date published: