Community leaders call on Government to abandon plans to cut alcohol prices

alcohol prices

The George Institute for Global Health has partnered with the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education and more than 80 health and community groups and leaders across Australia to strongly oppose reductions in the beer excise in the next Budget. Alcohol taxation is a key part of Australia’s alcohol harm reduction strategy. It works because it reduces the amount of alcohol people drink. Less alcohol means less harm. The Institute is joining health and community groups and leaders calling upon the Government to put the health of the community first.

“The evidence is clear – lower prices mean higher alcohol consumption and more harm in the community. Reducing the beer excise would be a regressive step that would inevitably result in negative health impacts across the country” said The George Institute’s Professor Simone Pettigrew.

To read the joint letter to Treasurer Josh Frydenberg MP click here

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Related People

Professor Simone Pettigrew

Program Head, Food Policy