Meet Juan Angel Rivera Dommarco, Distinguished Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health

Juan A. Rivera

Dr Juan A. Rivera is General Director of the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) in Mexico and Professor of Nutrition at the Mexican School of Public Health.

In addition to the above, Dr Juan A. Rivera is Executive Board member of International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI), member of The EAT-Lancet commission, member of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico, member of the American Society for Nutrition and, Board Directors´ Member of the Pact for Early Childhood. Also, he has been President of the Latin American Society of Nutrition (SLAN), he was founding director of the Center for Nutrition and Health Research at INSP, member of the World Obesity/Public Prevention Steering Committee and, member of the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE).

Juan received his master´s degree and PhD in International Nutrition from Cornell University, Ithaca. His lines of research are epidemiology of malnutrition in all its forms, study of risk factors of malnutrition, evidence generation to guide the design and the evaluation of policies and malnutrition and, obesity prevention programs as well non-communicable diseases.

At present, he has more than 490 Scientific Publications (287 scientific articles, 136 book chapters, 67 books), he has made more than 690 presentations and conferences in national and international scientific events and, his work has been quoted in more than 19,100 times in different scientific journals around the world.

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