Mental wellbeing in COVID-19 crisis

In tough times of the COVID-19 lockdown with restrictions on our mobility and limited accessibility of essential commodities, it becomes challenging to continue with our earlier routines and maintain our well-being. Wellbeing is the keyword in the WHO definition of health: “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
This lockdown and curfew means that we cannot go outside of our houses and no one is supposed to visit us in our homes as well, helping us maintain physical distancing and reducing the chances of disease transmission. Working from home during such times may or may not be similar for every person as we all have different personal and professional struggles in our lives.
Mental health researchers from TGI India have developed tips based on evidence based strategies and resources from WHO and UNICEF, to maintain one’s physical and psychological well-being in the current situation.
Mental wellbeing during novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in English (PDF 285 KB)
నోవెల్ కర్నావైరస్ (COVID-19) సమయంలో క్షేమంగా ఉండటం (PDF 315 KB)
नॉवेल कोरोनावायरस (COVID-19) के दौरान स्ास्थ्य (PDF 309 KB)
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