National Hypertension Taskforce takes on the silent killer of uncontrolled blood pressure in Australia

The Australian Cardiovascular Alliance (ACvA) and Hypertension Australia (formerly the High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia) have joined forces to establish a National Hypertension Taskforce with the ambitious goal to double Australia’s rates of controlled blood pressure from 32% to 70% by 2030.
“If all Australians currently living with high blood pressure were properly treated, we could save as many as 83,000 lives,” says Professor Schutte. “Improving these rates in Australia is not only critical but possible. We can and have to do better if we want to save lives.”
The National Hypertension Taskforce, which is being launched on Thursday 8th December with an address from the Honourable Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care, is co-led by Professor Alta Schutte and Professor Markus Schlaich.
For details, please refer to the media release from ACvA on this page.
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