Statement from The George Institute on Woolworths' withdrawal of Dan Murphy’s development



The George Institute for Global Health welcomes today’s announcement by Woolworths to withdraw its proposal to develop a Dan Murphy’s near three dry communities in the Northern Territory following an independent panel review. 

Keziah Bennett-Brook, Program Lead of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Program, said this was a good result for the Bagot, Kulaluk and Minmarama Aboriginal communities.

“This development would have had enormous negative impact on local communities. Collective action and campaigning to keep people safe and healthy has really been driven by these communities and has meant the withdrawal of the proposal and a win for the rights of people to determine what is truly of importance."

Professor Simone Pettigrew, Program Head of Food Policy said Woolworths have a social responsibility to the communities in which they operate to minimise alcohol related harm to people, families and culture.

“We know that alcohol can have devastating impacts on the community. Retailers have a responsibility to ensure they are engaging meaningfully with community and aren’t exacerbating potential harm by developing an area at risk."




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Keziah Bennett-Brook, Program Head, Guunu-maana Program, The George Institute

Keziah Bennett-Brook

Program Head, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program

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Professor Simone Pettigrew

Program Head, Food Policy