Community on Women and NCDs Launch Webinar


The webinar ‘Why Focus on Women and NCDs?’ was held on the 5 March at 12:00 (CET) and marks the launch of a new Community og Women and NCDs. This Community is facilitated by The George Institute for Global Health and will be hosted on the Knowledge Action Portal.

The Community will promote gender equity and address the burden of disease facing women and girls through a life-course approach, which recognizes how health-related measures early in life can be indicators for health outcomes later on. A central aim of the Community is to facilitate knowledge exchange and dissemination among key stakeholders interested in promoting evidence-based, scalable best practices in implementing a life-course approach to women’s health and NCDs.

The launch webinar featured an esteemed panel of presenters. Between them they outlined why we need to focus on women and NCDs, covering the roles played by sex and gender in the determinants and impacts of NCDs, from biology to social and economic inequalities and access to healthcare.