Consumer and Community Involvement Program

The CCI Program was established to ensure meaningful and fit-for-purpose involvement of those most impacted by health research, as guided by the NHMRC statement on Consumer and Community Involvement:

The active involvement of consumers and community members in health and medical research benefits the quality and direction of research. Consumer and community involvement is about research being carried out with or by consumers and community members rather than to, about or for them.

The CCI Program recognises the valuable insights and expertise of those with lived experience and that members of the community can contribute to all areas of research. The Program supports the integration of consumer and community members in all levels of health and medical research.

Role of Consumer and Community Involvement program

The CCI Program is a centralised support service for consumers and researchers. It provides the following services for the George Institute:

  • Advice, guidance and resources to consumers and researchers for best practice involvement in research.
  • Promotes and facilitates meaningful relationships between researchers and consumers
  • Develops our consumer and community network to expand the breadth and depth of involvement activities
  • Shares knowledge with relevant interest-holders
  • Supports the Consumer and Community Advisory Committee to strategically embed CCI throughout the Institute.

The Program is committed to supporting our consumers and research and growing our network. To find out more about the CCI Program, please contact the CCI team on the below email:

The CCI Program facilitates engagement between researchers and consumers. The CCI Program hosts both in-person and online events including Consumer Forums and program specific events. At the Consumer Forum, we had consumers and researchers from all over Australia come together to share their valuable insights about CCI and co-designing research. We will continue to connect and support our consumers and researchers.

CCI Team