High-risk pregnancy and NCDs in India- policy and research recommendations

On the 29th of March and 1st April 2019, the George Institute for Global Health and the University of Oxford, UK, hosted two national-level stakeholder workshops in New Delhi and Vijayawada on integrating high-risk pregnancy and NCD programs in India.
Download the Policy and research recommendations report on high-risk pregnancies and NCDs in India from the workshops (PDF 13.4 MB)
The purpose of these workshops was to discuss current priorities, initiatives and challenges in delivering care for women with high-risk pregnancies before and after birth, and to specifically discuss the role for digital and community-level interventions in the Indian context.
The workshops took the format of short introductory presentations to set the scene, followed by three-panel discussions around three key issues:
- High-risk pregnancy conditions and NCDs
- Challenges and priorities in mHealth in maternal health and NCDs in India
- The role of community health workers in bridging NCD and MCH programs