Informing treatments for patients with type 2 diabetes

In Australia, the Institute is working with the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute on the National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines for type 2 diabetes. Drawing from the extensive work in of the largest study of type 2 diabetes treatments, the ADVANCE study, this will include a review of the latest evidence to inform guidelines on lipid and blood pressure management, macrovascular and foot disease. The new guidelines were released in 2010.
Following the varied results of four major international studies on the effects of intensive blood glucose lowering among patients with type 2 diabetes, the Institute has established the CONTROL (Collaborators on Trials of Lowering Glucose) group to provide more comprehensive answers to questions raised and to help inform international guidelines for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. This collaborative initiative involves investigators from the four studies, including the Institute's flagship study, ADVANCE. An initial meta-analysis of these results has been published in Diabetologia and will help inform international guidelines.