Submission to the Australian Government’s consultation on a Draft National Urban Policy

The Impact of the Urban Environment on Health in Australia

The George Institute welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Australian Government's Draft National Urban Policy. The Policy has the potential to present a coordinated vision for urban planning between the Australian Government and States and Territories, based on the policy's five goals.

As a medical research institute focused on creating healthier societies, we encourage the Australian Government to take a "health-in-all" policy approach to urban policy. In this submission, The George Institute has focused on three areas, that we believe, deserve more attention in the Draft Urban Policy: social housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; the impact of unhealthy food retailers on urban environments; and the health implications of widespread use of automated vehicles.

We welcome further engagement on these health-related issues of urban policy.


The George Institute recommends the National Urban Policy be expanded to include the following:

  1. The urgent need for increased social housing stock, and commitment to provide quality and appropriately located social housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  2. The impact that unhealthy food retailers have on the health of urban communities and consideration of land use planning tools to encourage healthy food environments.
  3. The health implications of widespread use of automated vehicles in urban areas, and consideration of government regulations to realise equitable health benefits.


Georgia White

Georgia White

Policy and Advocacy Advisor
Jacek Anderst

Jacek Anderst

PhD Candidate & Research Associate, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program
Professor Simone Pettigrew, Program Head, Food Policy, The George Institute
Food policy

Professor Simone Pettigrew

Program Head, Food Policy