Submission to the NSW Liquor Licensing Reform Options Consultation


The George Institute for Global Health is pleased to contribute a written submission to the Liquor & Gaming NSW for the NSW Liquor Licensing Reform Options Consultation.

“We support the NSW Government in focusing on reforms to NSW Liquor Licensing to reduce alcohol consumption in order to improve health outcomes” said Professor Simone Pettigrew, Program Director of Health Promotion and Behaviour Change at The George Institute.

“It is not well understood in the community that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption, despite its significant impact on Australia’s disease burden.

“The community continues to be bombarded with alcohol advertising and marketing tactics, targeting children, young people and our most vulnerable communities, which is having devastating impacts on health and wellbeing.

“We support government policy that implements a wide range of actions, including taxation, reductions in number of outlets, restrictions on advertising and marketing and improvements to labelling, that will reduce alcohol consumption and its related harms.”

The George Institute joins our public health and consumer colleagues in recommending:

  • Improvements to consumer and community consultation processes that see meaningful engagement with those affected by the liquor licensing system
  • Mandatory Social Impact Assessments in liquor license applications
  • The winding back of allowances made during COVID-19 to facilitate delivery of alcohol and further limits placed on the home delivery of alcohol
  • Trading hour restrictions remain as currently required
  • The application of alcohol regulations to non-alcoholic beverages that mimic alcohol


Professor Simone Pettigrew, Program Head, Food Policy, The George Institute
Food policy

Professor Simone Pettigrew

Program Head, Food Policy

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