Submission to the second Measuring What Matters consultation

The George Institute is pleased to provide further comments on the second consultation on the Measuring What Matters framework. The second consultation looks specifically at the policy areas and descriptions that will form part of the Framework.

This submission builds on our earlier submission, highlighting the importance of developing goals and specific and measurable targets for each of the policy areas. Careful consideration of the policy goals, and development of meaningful targets, will enable the measurement of progress toward desired outcomes.

Many of the policy areas are interrelated, and we also request that the development of specific indicators considers the complex relationships between the economic, environmental, health and social welfare policy domains.

We are pleased to see the Treasury consulting widely as the Measuring What Matters Framework is developed and are looking forward to further opportunities for collaboration.


Alexandra Jones, Program Lead - Food Governance, The George Institute
Food policy

Alexandra Jones

Program Lead - Food Governance


Veronica Le Nevez

Head of Impact and Engagement