The future of women's health: Using data and research to shape policy

To initiate a dialogue on various aspects of women’s health, The George Institute for Global Health in association with the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) organized a roundtable on August 10, 2017.
The aim was to collect the views of various stakeholders, and use a data-driven approach to document gender disparities in awareness, access and quality of care; find biological, social, cultural and health system related explanations for these disparities and develop approaches to overcome these.
The roundtable focused on three critical issues:
- How do we look at women’s health in totality and not just focus on sexual and reproductive health;
- How do we understand and address the gender gap in access to care and treatment, and
- How do we use and generate data through research to facilitate a more nuanced understanding of gender-related health issues
In relation to creating more gender-nuanced studies and researches, the meeting discussed the need for affirmative action in the area of career, fellowships, and mentorships for women’s health researchers.
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