Group of kids
Setting up adolescent expert advisory groups (AEAGs) to guide the research team on the anti-stigma campaign

Mental health and neurology

Mental health and neurology conditions are a universal concern, affecting one in eight people (WHO).

Underserved communities often bear the greatest burden of mental health challenges. Difficult circumstances such as poverty, violence, disability, and inequity, which are common in low-resource areas, significantly increase the risk of mental health conditions. These overlapping struggles create barriers to care, making equitable mental health support an urgent priority.

The George Institute’s Mental Health and Neurology Program focuses on providing equitable, innovative solutions to bridge these gaps for communities. By empowering primary healthcare workers with technology-driven tools and concentrating on combating stigma, we’re advancing accessible mental healthcare through partnerships on a global scale.
  • 9%

    OF People affected by mental health, behavioural disorders and self harm globallyi

  • 50%

    of people in high income countries receive minimally adequate care for mental illness

  • 75-85%

    of people Low- or Middle-Income Countries receive minimally adequate care for mental illness

The George Institute’s Mental Health and Neurology Program is shaping the future of mental healthcare. We have multiple projects underway comprising research, advocacy, and capacity-building efforts. Our projects address key areas such as:

  • Technology-enabled solutions and anti-stigma campaigns
  • Addressing social and environmental factors impacting mental health for people in vulnerable communities
  • Focusing on mental health and multimorbidity to improve holistic care
  • Strengthening health systems to integrate mental health into primary care

Our Projects

Mental health

DAYARA: Developing and testing An intervention to promote psYchological wellbeing Among Scheduled TRibe communities in Andhra Pradesh

Mental health

ASHVINS: Managing Depression in Cancer Patients in India

Mental health

ANUMATI 2.0: Adolescent resilience-building in urban slums – A multifaceted implementation trial of life skills education in India

Health equity Mental health Women's health

The SMARThealth Perinatal Mental Health (PRAMH) Study: Improving women’s perinatal mental health in rural communities in India

Mental health

Promoting mental health and wellbeing among transgender persons in Delhi NCR using a peer support approach: A mixed method study

Mental health

Reducing stigma and increasing the mental wellbeing of Scheduled Tribe communities in India (SATHI)

Mental health

Scaling-up The Competency of Primary Care Workers to Manage Epilepsy by Task-Sharing (STOP-Epilepsy)

Mental health

The AustraLIan trial of GeNotype-guided pharmacothErapy for Depression (ALIGNED)

Largest global study by The George Institute shows the impact of india’s rural mental health program

Date published: News Type: Media release

Why low-cost ketamine is still inaccessible to many with severe depression

Date published: News Type: Media release

Australian High Commissioner announces DAP Grant to The George Institute for Global Health, India to implement Mental Health initiatives in Telangana

Date published: News Type: Media release

The George Institute for Global Health, India reports on the psychological responses to climate change and COVID-19 in young Indians

Date published: News Type: Media release

Multi-country dementia study shows women’s greater risk may be linked to disadvantage

Date published: News Type: Media release

Best evidence yet that lowering blood pressure can prevent dementia

Date published: News Type: Media release
Cardiovascular health Mental health

Bite size: What can we do differently? Learning to live again after stroke - insights for research and individuals

Episode 27

Duration 15 mins - 30 mins

Icon headphone
Mental health

How are psychedelic drugs being used to treat mental illness and why is Australia a world leader in this space?

Episode 22

Duration 15 mins - 30 mins

Icon headphone
Mental health

Fighting stigma in mental health in India

Episode 2

Duration 30 mins - 45 mins

Icon headphone
Mental health

Tackling common mental disorder in rural areas in India

Episode 1

Duration 30 mins - 45 mins

Icon headphone

#GeorgeTalks: A broad perspective of mental health

Published date
Mental health

Webinar - Breaking the Barriers : Addressing adolescent mental health

Published date
Pallab Maulik
Mental health

Professor Pallab K. Maulik

Deputy Director and Director of Research