
Musculoskeletal conditions are a leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting over 1.7 billion people and undermining quality of life for individuals, families, and communities.

These conditions disproportionately impact vulnerable populations, amplifying health inequities and placing immense strain on healthcare systems globally.

The Musculoskeletal Health Program at The George Institute is addressing these challenges through rigorous research. By developing innovative, evidence-based interventions and strengthening health systems, the program aims to reduce the burden of musculoskeletal conditions, improve care, and drive equitable health outcomes on a global scale.
  • 1.71billion

    people affected globallyI

  • 150types

    of Musculoskeletal conditionsII

  • 149million

    years lived with disability globallyIII

  • 2/3ADULTS

    IN rehabilitation globally are due to Musculoskeletal conditionsIV

  • 160countries

    have low back pain as the single leading cause of disabilityV

The George Institute’s Musculoskeletal Health Program is conducting extensive testing and research to identify health interventions that will positively impact the recovery and quality of life of the billions of people affected. Running multiple projects, our goal is to develop and design reliable and accessible health interventions that can be implemented globally.

The Musculoskeletal Health Program targets several key areas:

  • Developing an in-depth understanding of musculoskeletal pain and its impact on the individual and within the healthcare system
  • Pursuing, assessing and developing high-quality trials to explore innovative health interventions to treat musculoskeletal conditions and associated pain worldwide
  • Developing the capacity and capability in the design and conduct of innovative clinical trials of health interventions for musculoskeletal conditions
  • Advocating for transparent research and effectively transferring results and outcomes to better inform future initiatives

Our Projects


SUcceSS: SUrgery for Spinal Stenosis – a randomised placebo-controlled trial


Walking with the low back pain patient: understanding the patient journey


Translating Research Findings in Surgery


TEXT4myBACK: A text message intervention to improve function in people with low back pain


The Meniscal Transplant surgery or Optimised Rehabilitation full randomised trial (MeTeOR2)


HEalth literacy in Low back Pain – the HELP media intervention study

Professor Manuela Ferreira, Program Head, Musculoskeletal Health, The George Institute

Professor Manuela Ferreira

Program Head, Musculoskeletal Health