3D illustration of human kidneys with blood vessels highlighted.

Renal and metabolic

Kidney disease affects almost a billion people globally and is projected to be the 5th most common cause of death by 2040. The impact falls hardest on socio-economically disadvantaged groups, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, where limited access to affordable treatment leads to millions of preventable deaths each year.

The George Institute’s Renal and Metabolic Program is tackling the challenge of kidney disease head-on. Our research identifies better treatments and how current care impacts people with kidney disease, aiming to improve their quality and quantity of life.

We've made real progress in treating kidney disease, but there's still no cure. This drives us to push the boundaries of research through innovative trial designs, working closely with communities, and teaming up with leading experts.
  • US$220Billion

    global annual cost of chronic kidney disease

  • 13.3million

    people experience acute kidney injury each year

  • 10%

    OF the world’s population is affected by chronic kidney disease

  • 73%

    cannot afford kidney failure treatment

  • 90%

    with early stage kidney diseases are unaware

Our research is helping people live longer, healthier lives by reducing the impact of kidney disease. We aim to transform kidney health and improve the well-being of everyone at risk for or living with this disease.

In order to develop treatments that reduce the need for dialysis and improve lives, we also need to understand the existing barriers in our current models of care. Our research program is not just involved in the identification of treatments through clinical trials, we also advocate locally and globally to implement these outcomes.

Our Projects

Renal and metabolic

TESTING-ON: Therapeutic Evaluation of STeroids in IgA Nephropathy Global, Post-Trial ObservatioNal Cohort Study

Renal and metabolic

The RENAL LIFECYCLE Trial: Assessing the effect of dapagliflozin on patients with severe chronic kidney disease

Renal and metabolic

Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Outcomes in Fiji – A Fijian Kidney Replacement Therapy Registry

Renal and metabolic Critical care

PREVENTion with SGLT-2 inhibition of Acute Kidney Injury in intensive care (PREVENTS-AKI)

Renal and metabolic

CAPTIVATE: Finding treatments to slow the progression of chronic kidney disease

Renal and metabolic

The Kidney Patient as Navigator: Co-Producing a Way through the Health and Care System

Renal and metabolic

carDIovaScular and renal outCOmes in patients recoVERed from AKI (DISCOVER)

Renal and metabolic

ACCESS HD: A randomised trial Comparing Catheters to fistulas in Elderly patientS Starting HaemoDialysis

Popular diabetes and obesity drugs also protect kidneys, study shows

Date published: News Type: Media release

Combining popular diabetes drugs offers complementary heart and kidney benefits

Date published: News Type: Media release

SONG-LP: An easy-to-use tool for enhanced lives after kidney transplantation

Date published: News Type: Media release

Improving environmental sustainability of dialysis services

Date published: News Type: Media release

Big study answers treatment question for little known kidney condition

Date published: News Type: Media release

Big study answers treatment question for little known kidney condition

Date published: News Type: Media release
Renal and metabolic

Chronic Kidney Disease in Africa: Lived experiences and opportunities for improving systems of care

Episode 20

Duration 30 mins - 45 mins

Icon headphone
Renal and metabolic

Educational webinar: New treatments for preventing chronic kidney disease progression

Published date
Renal and metabolic

The TRACK Trial

Published date

The CKD-FIX Trial with Associate Professor Sunil Badve

Published date

World Kidney Day 2020: Kidney Health For Everyone Everywhere

Published date
Sradha Kotwal
Renal and metabolic

Associate Professor Sradha Kotwal

Program Head, Renal and Metabolic Division
A/Prof Sunil Badve
Renal and metabolic Cardiovascular health

Professor Sunil Badve

Program Lead, Cardiometabolic Trials, Renal and Metabolic Program
Associate Professor Min Jun, Program Lead, The George Institute
Renal and metabolic

Associate Professor Min Jun

Program Lead
Renal and metabolic

Dr Amanda Wang

Research Fellow
Dr Brendon Neuen
Cardiovascular health Renal and metabolic

Associate Professor Brendon Neuen

Senior Research Fellow, Renal and Metabolic
Martin gallagher
Critical care Renal and metabolic

Professor Martin Gallagher

Professorial Fellow
Professor John Knight, Professorial Fellow, Renal and Metabolic Division, The George Institute
Renal and metabolic

Professor John Knight

Professorial Fellow, Renal and Metabolic Division
Renal and metabolic

Sarah Coggan

Program Manager