Monitoring and evaluating the Botnar Child Road Safety Challenge

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The Botnar Child Road Safety Challenge (BCRSC), funded by Fondation Botnar and managed by the Global Road Safety Partnership, is a programme that aims to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries.

The BCRSC is designed to address locally relevant road safety problems that affect children in small- and mid-sized cities in seven priority countries (India, Mexico, Romania, South Africa, Tunisia, Tanzania and Vietnam) with practical, innovative and evidence-based interventions.

The George Institute for Global Health is conducting monitoring for the BCRSC in order to assess the impact of interventions undertaken in terms of lives saved and crashes averted, process indicators (behaviour, knowledge, attitude), as well as outputs.

As part of this work, The George Institute developed a set of four guidance notes under a Botnar Child Road Safety Challenge Toolkit to assist grantees. They are published here as they may be useful to other project teams working in similar contexts and employing Knowledge Action and Practice or mobility surveys, as well as Focus Group Discussions and In-Depth Interviews. The toolkit is also available on the Global Road Safety Partnership website.


Margie Peden headshot

Margie Peden

Director, Global Injury Programme

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Prasanthi Attwood

Research Fellow

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