REDUcing the burden of dialysis Catheter ComplicaTIOns: a National approach (REDUCCTION)

Project locations

Healthcare associated infections (HAI) cause significant and life-threatening harm to patients and incur major additional costs. Patients with kidney disease are especially susceptible to HAI, due to the harm associated with central dialysis catheter use. These catheters, essential to the delivery of life-sustaining dialysis treatment, are widely used and are a major driver of bloodstream infection and increased mortality seen in patients receiving dialysis.

The REDUCCTION Partnership Project has the following aims:

  • To define the national, clinical and economic burden of dialysis catheter infections in Australia and New Zealand
  • To implement an evidence-based and systematic intervention package using a stepped-wedge cluster design with the objective of reducing dialysis catheter-related bacteraemia.
  • To establish a framework for monitoring dialysis catheter-related bacteraemia and sustaining improvements from the intervention phase.

Current status:

Data collection for our primary analysis is now complete across the 43 participating ANZ Renal Units. Analysis activities are now in progress.


Martin gallagher
Critical care Renal and metabolic

Professor Martin Gallagher

Professorial Fellow

Related People

Sarah Coggan

Program Manager

Associate Professor Sradha Kotwal

Program Head, Renal and Metabolic Division

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