Research projects

Our research projects are where innovation and theory meet real-world impact. Built within our key areas of research, every research project is designed to solve a specific challenge. From early detection and prevention to advancing care, these targeted initiatives drive local change on a global scale. Explore individual projects and learn how they’re shaping the future of health for communities where support is needed most.


Food policy

ecoSwitch App

Food policy

GlutenSwitch App

Food policy

Switching the world’s salt supply: Scaling up the use of potassium-enriched salt

Guunu-maana Food policy

Food and Water for Life: working with indigenous communities to improve food and water security

Food policy

Comprehensive workplace intervention for cancer prevention in China (WECAN)

Food policy

Revolutionising food choices in Mexico

Food policy

ChAracterize, RevIve, Support, Monitor and MAnage (CARISMMA) sustainable food systems study

Food policy

Produce Prescription: innovative ‘Food is Medicine’ intervention to improve health among people with type 2 diabetes

Food policy

Centre of Research Excellence: Healthy Food, Healthy Planet, Healthy People

Food policy

Food is Medicine: developing a Medically-Tailored Meal (MTM) program to tackle type 2 diabetes and heart disease in Australia

Food policy

The Online Grocery Shopping (OGS) trial – how do people shop for groceries online?

Food policy

School-based education program to reduce salt: Scaling-up in China

Food policy

SRII Project: Reducing sodium consumption through behaviour change in India

Food policy

Reducing salt consumption in China

Food policy

Quality, access and affordability of foods to populations living in urban, slum and rural settings in four states of India

Food policy

Action on salt China

Food policy

FoodSwitch App