Research projects

Our research projects are where innovation and theory meet real-world impact. Built within our key areas of research, every research project is designed to solve a specific challenge. From early detection and prevention to advancing care, these targeted initiatives drive local change on a global scale. Explore individual projects and learn how they’re shaping the future of health for communities where support is needed most.


Health systems science

The Resilience Collaborative 2024: Enhancing healthcare worker resilience by co-developing evidence-based solutions for scale (RECONNECTIONS)

Health systems science

Research priority setting as a tool for justice and fairness in climate and health knowledge ecosystem

Health systems science

Policy and legal review of organ transplantation in six countries

Health systems science

Evaluating the impact, investment case and scale-up of ‘Health Promoting Schools’ in Fiji

Health systems science

Research on climate change and health in India: a priority setting exercise

Health systems science

COHESION-I: Implementation of the COmmunity HEalth System InnovatiON project in low- and middle-income countries

Women's health Health systems science

SMARThealth ChatGPT : Supporting community health workers to provide guideline-based maternal care in rural India

Health systems science

Understanding the effects of extreme heat in pregnancy, the HiP-India project

Health systems science

Mental health and snakebite in West Bengal, India: a survey

Health systems science

Fiji’s 3rd Round of the WHO STEPwise approach to non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factor surveillance

Health systems science

Regulating e-pharmacy: challenges and opportunities for access and quality of care in LMIC health systems

Health systems science

Community Voices in Health Governance – Translating Community Participation into Practice in a World of Pluralistic Health Systems” (COMPLUS)

Health systems science

Awareness, familiarity, and use of core outcome sets by Indian trialists and systematic reviewers

Health systems science

Computational linguistics methods to enhance process evaluations of cardiovascular interventions

Health systems science Women's health

Blood in Action

Health systems science Planetary health

NIHR Global Health Research Centre for Non-Communicable Diseases and Environmental Change

Health systems science

Addressing heart disease and diabetes through use of the WHO PEN interventions in Fiji

Health systems science

Core outcome set for research on snakebite management in South Asia

Health systems science

Health and economic impacts of NCDs on women in Mexico

Health systems science

Environmental risks and health hazards of bidi workers and their communities in India

Health systems science

Community based interventions for snakebite

Health systems science

Availability of Individual Participant Data of clinical trials

Health systems science

Randomised controlled trials in India: a systematic mapping

Health systems science

Antibiotics for preventing wound infections after snakebite